

out and proud

Pride events, big and small, all consist of a colourful parade, a programme of entertainment, and a coming together of community – in solidarity and joy.

At Sherborne Pride,we’re planning a vibrant parade through town, a fabulous street market on Digby Road, and a jam-packed programme of live entertainment in Pageant Gardens – from music and comedy to cabaret performers, musical theatre, and more. It’s an all-day event and everyone is welcome.

love lives here

Pride is not just for the LGBTQIA+ community – it’s for everyone and in many ways, it’s the presence of allies that is most important. It’s a chance for allies to stand shoulder to shoulder with their loved ones and say, ‘You are seen, you are heard, and you are loved.’

It’s a celebration of love in its purest form. A reminder that, no matter who we are or whom we love, we all deserve to live our lives authentically and without fear. Each year, every Pride has a different ‘campaign theme’ and for our inaugural event it’s: Love Lives Here. So, as the rainbow flags unfurl and the streets of Sherborne come alive with colour and music, let’s join together in celebration of love and acceptance – for today, for tomorrow, and for all the days to come.

Because Sherborne… love really does live here

meet the team

Jules Bradburn

Logistics, Safety Management
& Street Market Lead

Hannah Fell

Entertainment Lead
& Stage Management

Richard Mitham

Stage Management
& Parade Co-ordinator

Dimitris Tsetikas

Logistics Management
& Stall Co-ordinator

Hannah Wilkins

Sponsorship & Parade Lead

Sadie Wilkins

Sponsorship & Marketing Lead


an ally

Sherborne Pride Allies help us create unforgettable Pride events for years to come. In return for your support, you receive ‘member’ discounts, priority booking, VIP access, regular news and exclusive content – plus that warm and fuzzy you only get when you do something truly good!

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