‘Paint the Town with Pride’ window competition

Calling all local business owners/managers,

Sherborne Pride is thrilled to announce our very first Pride event, and we’re reaching out to invite you to be a part of this historic celebration! On Sunday, 7th July, our charming town will host Sherborne Pride, a milestone event dedicated to love, acceptance, and diversity.

To kick off the festivities and paint the town with Pride, we are launching a ‘Colour Your Shop Window’ campaign. We invite all local businesses to join us in decorating their shop windows in the spirit of Pride. It’s a fantastic opportunity to showcase your support for the LGBTQ+ community and add a splash of colour and joy to Sherborne.

Get involved:

  1. Decorate your window: create a vibrant, Pride-themed display in your shop window. Think rainbows, glitter, and everything that celebrates love and diversity! You don’t have to spend on extra materials, you can simply get creative with your existing products/supplies if possible.
  2. Judging period: have your window ready by 24th June to coincide with the last week of Pride Month in the UK. The decorations should remain up through the main event on 7th July to help make the streets look fabulous for the main parade on the BIG day.
  3. Win prizes: our judges will select the top 3 most creative and spirited windows. Winners will receive certificates and fabulous prizes!

To participate in this fun and free competition, simply email us at [email protected] to confirm your entry. It’s a wonderful way to show your support, engage with the community, and contribute to this momentous occasion.

We can’t wait to see Sherborne awash with Pride colours and excitement, thanks to your incredible creativity and support!

Warmest regards,

The Sherborne Pride Team

Sherborne Pride – Celebrating Love, Acceptance, and Diversity

P.S. Don’t forget to mark your calendars for Sunday, 7th July – let’s make history together! 

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